Home HtB - CA2023 - Orbital

HtB - CA2023 - Orbital

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In order to decipher the alien communication that held the key to their location, she needed access to a decoder with advanced capabilities - a decoder that only The Orbital firm possessed. Can you get your hands on the decoder?



First thing we pick up while browsing the source code is the comment in the login function; login-function

So we’ll test that theory. Catch a request login with Burpsuite, save the request to a file and see what SQLmap can dump for us; sqlmap

A few minutes and a couple prompts later we get an easy to crack hash; hash&pass

Poking around on the site we find the export button that sends a post request to ther server. Trying a little directory traversal to retrieve /etc/passwd yields a promising return; traversal-vuln

We can’t find flag this way though, journeying back into the source we find out why; dockerfile

Our modified request; flag

Flag HTB{T1m3_b4$3d_$ql1_4r3_fun!!!}

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HtB - CA2023 - Drobots

HtB - CA2023 - Passman

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